A Step By Step Guide For Creating A Vision Board That Will Help You Achieve Your Goals

I first came across the idea of a vision board in 2016 and decided to pull out my laptop and daydream about my ideal life. I still have that vision board and my dreams haven’t changed.

In 2017 I specifically created a vision board for that year, just what I wanted to achieve for the year. The first vision board I created was digital and second one was scraps of magazine images put together in an A4 hard cover exercise book. I must admit the latter was much more challenging, having to scrap through a pile of magazines trying to piece together my story was hard, so I had to step back and figure out a more strategic approach. At the time I knew nothing about the 12 life categories but I instinctively felt that I had to have categories.

 In 2021, I have refined my approach over the years and will be taking you through my step-by-step strategy for creating a vision board that will help you achieve your goals.  

Step One

Set SMART Goals

A goal setting exercise should always precede vision boarding. Goal setting allows you to spend time thinking through the categories you want to focus on, write down the goals for each category and make sure that they are all Smart. The goals will offer direction when thinking through the layout and categories for your vision board. 

Step Two

Look at templates

I did mention earlier, that I generally find a digital vision board easier to create that the arts and crafts vision board, although I must say, when I did attempt the arts and crafts vision board I found the process was therapeutic and a much needed break from screen time.

Step three

Collect your material

Depending on whether you are going digital or arts and crafts, you will need to start collecting your materials. Should you be going digital, I would suggest you create folders for the below material

·      Quotes

·      Mantras

·      Favourite pictures of yourself

·      Images representing different aspects of your goals

If you have chosen the arts and crafts route, you would need to start collecting magazines or go shopping for some. Having your goals, as a guideline will help you choose the magazines that are most likely to have the images you need for your vision board.

[Pintrest] Agenda Women.png

Step four

Assemble your layout

Once you have all your material assemble your layout. Choose a section for each of your categories and focus your efforts on one category at a time.

Step Five

Display your finished product

When you are done with all the above steps, you are finally ready to display your work of art.

Here’s a tip. If you would like to have a vision board but are not big on displaying it, you can use an exercise book or journal that you can carry in your bag or store in your bedside table.

 I have to remind you, there is power is stating your intentions and writing them down. I hope you have a great time putting together your vision board.