AWPOWERFIFTY: Mathebe Molise

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur OR take your career in the direction you did? Is having your own business OR this role you are in something you always wanted?

I actually never thought I would be an entrepreneur - it’s something I stumbled on. I had an idea to start a mobile app that helps people search for beauty services as a way of empowering small beauty service providers especially at home services and actually went ahead and launched an app. Since then the business has evolved and is now a fully fledged cosmetic retailer however we also have our own in house brands. 

Which woman has positively impacted you in your career/business? And what is the one lesson she taught you?

It's not really in my business but more impacted me to become the woman I am. My mother and grandmother instilled a great sense of self in me and pushed me to be confident no matter what. My mother made sure I was excellent from day 1 - she’d push me at school and always told me I’m very smart which made me very diligent at school and I believe even now in how I conduct myself in my business.


How do you define success?

Success is doing what you love and being good at it. 

One insight for anyone interested in the industry you are working in?

I once read that someone said that skincare would stop trending and I felt that this would discourage new entrants from coming into the market. Skincare will never stop trending - it's an evergreen industry that has so much room for everyone. If anyone has dreams of starting their own brands they should - there is a lot of scope for growth and innovation.

What is your one key guiding principle in your work life?

Work smart and use your time efficiently. When you focus on efficiency and quality `` you become the go-to person at work or even your company becomes the go-to company. It also allows you to allocate your time to meaningful things in your life - i.e family time

What do you believe is the most impactful and immediate action your industry can take to Accelerate Gender Equality Through Economic Empowerment. (this is the theme for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY in 2024)

I once attended a talk and this gentleman who owned a company said that he hires women mostly because women are smart and they work smart and if more companies did the same the economy would be far. I’ve applied that in my business and what he said was spot on. More companies need to entrust women with senior roles especially in the cosmetics industry. Let the people who use the products lead the industry - it makes a really big difference with regards to product innovation, marketing, customer engagement etc. 

The three books that changed your life  

I’m not really big on “self help” books but Seat of the Soul fundamentally changed my life. I read it during COVID and it completely initiated a shift in my life. This is the only book that I can say has really changed my life.

Apps you cannot live without 

  • My banking apps

  • Grocery delivery (Woolies Dash and checkers60)

  • Apple Music

Self care rituals that keep you grounded 

I go to the gym 6 times a week - gym really is my form of therapy. Gym is also my “me time” so I really do appreciate that 90 minutes I give to myself daily.