What motivated you to become an entrepreneur OR take your career in the direction you did? Is having your own business OR this role you are in something you always wanted?

  • I’ve always wanted to make a positive and tangible difference to the business landscape and economy across Africa.

  • I originally honestly thought I’d be doing this through grants and NGOs and with time realized building businesses that solved actual problems was the path that most suited my particular goals and strengths.

  • A PE angle seemed the most significant way to do it as you have large constitutional investors behind you, but it allows you to still have an entrepreneurial spirit when solving your problems or helping businesses to grow.

 Which woman has positively impacted you in your career/business? And what is the one lesson she taught you?

I always struggle with this question because I think a lot of my motivation is internally driven; but I do take many lessons from people around me – my great grandmother and the ability to send 8 children through school with a farming business, my mothers work ethic and her ability to give so much of herself in service to the community etc. Within industry, Phuthi Mahanyela and her guidance when I was starting out and her always encouraging me to delve into what I was doing but still have the ability to pivot when needed.

How do you define success?

It’s changed significantly over the years, but currently “living well and with purpose”. And living well to me means having a sense of contentment or balance  

One insight for anyone interested in the industry you are working in?

Numbers and lots of numbers, before you can do all the fun things like traveling and working with captains of industry etc. You’ve got to have a good head for numbers, understanding businesses and understand customer needs and wants

What is your one key guiding principle in your work life?


What do you believe is the most impactful and immediate action your industry can take to Accelerate Gender Equality Through Economic Empowerment. (this is the theme for INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY in 2024)

Demolishing the gender pay gap. Something I’m very passionate about and something we’ve committed to in all of our assets

The three books that changed your life

  • The Four Agreements

  • Tuesdays with Morrie

  • The Alchemist

 Apps you cannot live without

  • Calm

  • Spotify

Self care rituals that keep you grounded 

  • Daily exercise (Pilates/HIIT)

  • Meditation