#AWPOWERFIFTY: Cida Ferreira

What motivated you to become an entrepreneur or take your career in the direction that you did is having your own business or this role that you are in something that you have always wanted?

When I trained as a Pilates instructor, my long-term goal was always to establish my own facility. As I explored the Pilates community, I noticed a lack of representation for people like me. I felt strongly that Pilates was my calling and this was something I genuinely enjoyed and that others similar to me should also have the opportunity to benefit from it. My passion for Pilates motivated me to spread awareness and introduce it to a broader audience.

Reflecting on my life and career, I held a 9-to-5 job and now realise that the skills learnt were essential. This period instilled in me the discipline of responsibility, but it never brought true fulfilment.  Throughout my teens and twenties, I ventured into various small businesses, each serving as a foundational step toward my current path. Entrepreneurship, I believe, has always been an intrinsic part of who I am. 

Which woman has positively impacted you in your career or business and what is the one lesson that she taught you?

I would have to credit my mother for the profound impact she has had on my career and business.  Her words of encouragement have been invaluable, consistently reminding me to keep going, push through challenges, and persevere.  Her advice to remain persistent and consistent, regardless of the ups and downs, has been a guiding principle in my journey.

A good friend Natasha Kwakwa was very supportive when beginning my journey as an instructor.  Another significant figure was Rotola Tay, who provided invaluable guidance in navigating the Ghanaian market when I first contemplated opening in a foreign market. She was also there as personal support during a very unprecedented time that was COVID! However, while this is intended to be a positive interview, I must be honest about my experiences.

When I first entered the market, a woman doubted my business's potential, which was deeply upsetting. Her lack of understanding about Pilates and my expertise was disheartening. I mention this not out of a desire to prove her wrong, but to highlight the reality that, alongside supportive figures, there are also those who may try to diminish your efforts. It is crucial to recognise both, as overcoming negativity is part of the journey. You must not let anyone dim your light. 

Overall, the influences of these women, whether supportive or challenging, have shaped my path and reinforced the importance of perseverance and self-belief. 

How do you define success?

For me, success hinges on creating a team capable of running my business independently of my presence. That will be my ultimate achievement: assembling the right group of people and offering them employment opportunities. On a personal level, success means transforming lives by providing opportunities individuals never imagined possible. Enabling someone to work, thereby improving their life and the lives of their families through a good income, represents personal fulfilment for me.

What is the one insight that you would give anyone who is interested in the industry that you are working in?

Be passionate about whatever you put your mind to, there's no other way and find your niche.

What is your one key guiding principle in your work life?

Vision and goals!

I always like to have something that I’m looking forward to, trying to achieve it, drives me!  To achieve lasting success and keep your passion alive, it's essential to set ambitious, even audacious goals. These big goals not only drive continuous growth but also keep your journey exciting and dynamic. You need to cultivate that drive, nurture your passion, and maintain a clear vision of what you want to achieve.

What do you believe is the most impactful and immediate action that your industry can take to accelerate gender equality through economic empowerment? 

When considering the most impactful and immediate action the industry can take to accelerate gender equality through economic empowerment, it’s important to recognize the unique position of Pilates within the broader fitness landscape. Pilates is predominantly led by women; many studios worldwide are owned and operated by women. However, there are still significant challenges to address. First, we need to encourage more men to engage in Pilates, expanding the diversity of our client base and breaking down gender stereotypes. This inclusivity can help foster a more balanced and representative community within our studios.

Second, and more crucially, we must focus on women empowering other women within the industry. This involves mentorship, support, and opportunities for women to advance their careers and invest in their own studios. Pilates is an expensive endeavor due to the cost of training and equipment. I personally transitioned from a 9-to-5 job and invested my own savings to start my Pilates journey, but not everyone has the financial means to take such a leap. To address this, I am dedicated to helping women who are passionate about Pilates but lack the resources. Finally after working in Europe and now owning my Pilates studio in Ghana, with the extensive experience that I now have I now offer Mat and Reformer Pilates certification with the aim of training  people in my passion in hope to eventually provide them with economic stability and financial freedom, once qualified.

For those looking to invest in this field, I can provide a clear pathway to channel their investments effectively, fostering growth and empowering more female entrepreneurs to thrive in the Pilates community. If you are an investor interested in making a meaningful impact, or a woman in the industry seeking support, please reach out. Together, we can create a more inclusive and empowered future for Pilates.

Three books that changed your life

  • Rich dad, Poor dad by Robert Kiyosaki

  • A woman makes a plan by Maye Musk

  • Becoming by Michelle Obama

Apps you cannot live without

  • Spotify Podcasts (diary of a CEO - Steve Bartlett)

  • Cap Cut

  • Canva

  •   Instagram

Name some self-care rituals that keep you grounded?

  • One of my absolute favorites is getting a massage; it's my go-to for relaxation and rejuvenation. I literally have 2 a week!

  • I also love treating myself to a nice lunch out. This is where I “take myself out” I find that it's a wonderful way to unwind and enjoy some quality "me" time.

  • Recently, I've taken up Padel tennis and have even started combining it with Pilates, creating a fun and dynamic fitness routine that keeps me energised and balanced. I can literally play for hours!