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Five Micro Self Care Habits You Should Adopt

As a 25 year old working woman, I hardly have time for anything, because if I’m not resting, I am trying to catch up on life, run errands and all. So I hardly have time to really pamper myself, but I try, you know, taking small steps, I try practicing some micro self care habits.

Micro self-care emphasizes the benefits of engaging in small habits in our daily lives to have a positive influence on our well-being. 

1.Move your body

I try to get some form of exercise every day. It may seem obvious, but it’s a game-changer. 10 minutes of skipping in the morning, and a quick workout to start my day. Exercise works wonders for releasing stress and clearing your head. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, step away from your desk for a quick walk around the block/office building. 

2. Declutter daily

A busy working space in the morning always makes me anxious and feels a bit busy, so I always try to declutter my space daily after work to leave room for a ‘clean’ start every morning. Mentally this always reminds me that it’s a new day, and we are starting afresh, fresh mind, fresh energy. 

3. Meditation and breathwork

Om’s the word! Meditation, whether in the form of yoga, prayer, journaling, or traditional meditation, helps to reprogram your body from a stressful fight-or-flight mode to peaceful alignment. I personally try to meditate every morning, and evening before bed, followed by prayer. It always leaves me feeling lighter. Meditate on what you’re grateful for, or on what you have already accomplished, and let your mind wander away from the stress. I also love doing the 5-5-5 breathing exercise (breath in for 5 seconds, hold for 5, out for 5, hold for 5, repeat) when I find myself holding my breath and working in overdrive.

4. Minimize screen time

I work in the digital space so this is somewhat impossible but I try to do little things. It could be as simple as turning off notifications on your phone during your mindfulness practice, and for me this is the first part of my morning everyday, and setting a timer on my phone at 22:00 so I don’t go onto social media after then. This allows me to wind down.

5.Small treat every now and then go a long way

One thing I’ve stopped doing is waiting to have lots of money to treat myself. After a long and stressful week, a slice of cake or ice cream is always a must. Even small things like buying myself is a form of self care. One thing about me, it’s princess treatment or nothing.

Self care is not always about big spending and doing it big, minor, consistent, self care habits get the job done.